Viva la SHARPE!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I've been MIA--

But with good reason!! LOL

Stella and I created a new review site. and I spend a good four or five hours a day recruiting authors, reviewers, publishers. We're doing good so far! Lots of reviews up, lots of happy authors! I'm interested in starting a just horror section, since a lot of my reviewers are asking for horror. Also, a YA section, since I'm getting inundated with YA authors from myspace!

What do you ladies think?

Anyway. About my own personal stuff. LOL I think I had an encounter with a truly demon-possessed child. I have the injuries and scars to prove it. LOL.

I am about 10,000K into a zombie novel. It began with a curse, but that storyline just didn't have enough to work with, not the way I wanted it, so now I think it's somehow turned into aliens. Aliens. I hate aliens. They annoy me. And now I'm writing some sort of freakin' epic alien-domination/zombie story. Go figure.

Do your stories ever hijack themselves? My handsome, pensive hero has turned into a piece of man-candy with low brain-power but noble intentions. The guy I cast as my new hero has turned into a psych-ward escapeee pretending to be a doctor.

Well, this is going to be one interesting story.

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Comments on "I've been MIA--"


Blogger Acehole said ... (7:22 AM) : 

Its good to have you back Ash!
be careful when dealing with zombies, you never know when your going to find yourself in a mall with a trigger happy cop...


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